The Sword and Rose Banner
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This Pattern was created for use with the Bedroom Banner Instructions. (If you find other uses for it, send me an e-mail and I'll post them here.)
When you put together your banner, it's a good idea to glue the pieces together in the order of the numbers. The purple areas show where the small pieces should be placed. The blue lines are just examples of how to draw (or trace) the lines.
You should also consider printing two copies of this page, one to cut apart as the pattern, the other to refer to as you put it all together.
The finished pattern should look something like the one in the corner. I kept the rose and sword separate so you can use just one of them if you'd like (or mix them with the dragon or unicorn).
If you right click the image and then save it from there, you will have a slightly larger image to print. I resized them on the webpage itself ;)